Audio-walks in Vesterbro

Vesterbro in Copenhagen. Photo by Erinç Salor.
Vesterbro is a neighbourhood of Copenhagen I had the chance to explore during my residency.
The Museum of the City of Copenhagen has made available six audio walks made by six writers and artists.
Six audio-walks are waiting to accompany you on literary city walks of Vesterbro. Grab your iPhone, download an audio-walk and allow yourself to be drawn into all corners of the neighbourhood by the voices of six young writers and artists. Lars Frost, Claus Handberg Christensen, Kristiane Hauer, René Jean Jensen, Johanne Løgstrup and Charlotte Weitze share their views on Vesterbro with you.
The writers and artists represent a wide range of views on the Vesterbro neighbourhood. Listen to how Vesterbro has become home for a young man from Jylland through events that take place under the cover of darkness, or join a ghastly ghost tour departing from Sorte Hests Gæstgiveri (The Black Horse Inn) as narrated by the hangman's daughter. You can also travel through time from a young girl's knee-high experience of Vesterbro until she, as a young woman, sees the sun rise above the roofs of Vesterbro while partying in a rooftop apartment on Gasværksvej.
Download a folder with a map and a description of the audio walks and the participants

Canan “Ja’anan” Marasligil
Writer, Literary Translator, Artist based in Amsterdam.
Canan (she/they) publishes The Attention Span Newsletter, taking the time to reflect, to analyse and to imagine our societies through writing, art and culture; and City in Translation, fostering discourse and conversations around the art of translation.